一、Service FAQ

Our company is located in Shenzhen, China.

We provide a range of services including tools, clamping tools, parts processing, and a comprehensive one-stop solution for machining.

Yes, you can purchase tools from our company. We offer a variety of high-quality tools to suit different machining needs.

Yes, we offer international shipping. We can deliver our products to customers worldwide.

You can contact our company through the contact information provided on our website. You can reach out to us via phone, email, or by filling out the contact form.

Yes, we provide technical support for our products. Our knowledgeable team is available to assist you with any technical inquiries or issues you may have.

Yes, we offer parts processing services. Our team is equipped with the necessary expertise and machinery to provide efficient and precise parts processing.

The delivery time can vary depending on the product and shipping method chosen. We strive to process and dispatch orders as quickly as possible to ensure timely delivery.

Yes, we have a return and exchange policy in place. If you encounter any issues with the products received, please contact our customer service within the specified time frame for assistance.

二、Cutting tools FAQ

A milling cutter is a type of rotary cutting tool that is used in milling machines. It is used to remove material from a workpiece by cutting a path in the material. There are various types of milling cutters available, each designed for specific purposes and materials.
Common types of milling cutters include face mills, end mills, fly cutters, slab mills, ball end mills, and tapered end mills.
Milling cutter coatings vary depending on the material being milled. Common coatings include titanium nitride, diamond-like carbon, and aluminum oxide.


Common problems encountered when using milling cutters include chipping of the cutting edge, loss of accuracy, and poor surface finish.


To prevent chipping of the cutting edge, select a milling cutter with a tougher coating and avoid using excessive cutting speeds.


To ensure accuracy when using milling cutters, use high-precision machines and tools, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, and maintain the tool.


To improve the surface finish when using milling cutters, reduce the feed rate, adjust the depth of cut, or use a cutter with a higher number of teeth.


To select the right milling cutter for your application, consider the material being machined, the required finish, and the cutting speed and feed rate.


To maintain your milling cutters, clean and lubricate them regularly, store them in a dry place, and replace them when they become worn or damaged.


To ensure safe operation when using milling cutters, wear appropriate protective equipment, use the correct tool for the job, and follow manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid touching the cutting edge of the tool and keep your hands clear of the machine during operation.


三、Machining tools FAQ

Some common problems encountered during CNC processing include tool wear, excessive chatter, poor surface finish, and incorrect dimensions. These can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper machine settings, worn or dull tools, and incorrect feed rates.

A dial indicator is a precision tool used to measure small changes in distance, position, or alignment. They are commonly used in machine shops for quality control and alignment of machinery.


Most measuring tools come with calibration instructions and standards. Follow the instructions closely and use a calibration standard that is known to be accurate.


Regular cleaning and proper storage of your measuring tools will help maintain their accuracy. Keep them away from extreme temperatures and avoid dropping or mishandling them.


Choose clamping tools based on the size and shape of your workpiece, the clamping force required, and the type of tool needed for your specific application.


Common problems when using mechanical tools include improper use, wear and tear, and damage to the tool due to mishandling or accidents.


Properly store and handle your tools, avoid using them for purposes they are not designed for, and follow manufacturer’s instructions for use and maintenance.


Common solutions include proper use and maintenance of tools, replacing worn or damaged parts, and seeking professional repair or replacement when necessary.


Yes, many mechanical tools are suitable for DIY projects at home. However, it is important to choose the right tool and use it safely and properly to avoid accidents or damage.


Consult manufacturer instructions and guides, seek advice from professionals in the field, attend training programs or workshops, and consult online resources.


四、Product processing FAQ

 Some common problems encountered during CNC processing include tool wear, excessive chatter, poor surface finish, and incorrect dimensions. These can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper machine settings, worn or dull tools, and incorrect feed rates.


Common problems encountered during injection molding include warping, flash, and sink marks. Warping can occur when the molded part cools unevenly, while flash occurs when excess material seeps out from between the mold halves. Sink marks can appear on the surface of the part when sections of the part cool at different rates.


 Common problems encountered during metal stamping include cracking, wrinkling, and tool wear. Cracking can occur if the metal is too thin or if the stamping process is too forceful. Wrinkling can happen if the metal is not properly supported during the stamping process. Tool wear can occur if the stamping press is not properly maintained.


Some general countermeasures include regularly maintaining and calibrating equipment, using high-quality materials and tools, and ensuring proper operator training. It is important to monitor the processing parameters and adjust as needed to achieve the desired results. Continual quality control checks can also help identify problems early on.


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